Happy Reformation Day!

Happy Reformation Day!
This day, October 31 in 1517 brought forth an event that changed the world forever. On that day 499 years ago, a monk and teacher and professor of biblical studies posted the document he had worked on to be the basis for a debate as was the manner in those days for a matter to be discussed at the University by the supporters of the matter at hand. Normally, this would have been as normal as any other event but for two things. First the matter to be discussed which was the sale of indulgences by the Church to the people and the presence of the printing press.
On the matter of the printing press, this new technology was invented around 1440 [] and it was such a greatly received equipment as it simplified the manner in which books could be acquired and copies of documents could be made without paying skilled people to copy a small book for a huge sum. So on this day that the writing which contained 95 items for discussion (that is why it’s called the 95 thesis) was posted, people were able to make copies and distribute them rather quickly and so the document spread far quickening the interest of many people around. The issue then became an issue of The authority of the church rather than over indulgences. On the previous matter, it was commonly preached to the people that the purchase of indulgence guaranteed respite for the souls of their beloved in purgatory so they could purchase for their departed or for themselves.
As Luther was an academic, he set up this discussion to happen among fellow academics. These questions raised in this document brought more awareness to the issue and certain things that had become common place but found no place in the word of God.
Today is a day of remembrance and celebration of a man who stood for the word of God and with God and history was changed.
He did not find it easy and had his opposition, some were so disgusted by him that the declared “He alone is right”
Martin Luther wrote a lot of books and said a lot of things driven by his passion for the word of God. He was not perfect and none of us is but as much as he could, he spoke his mind and tried his best to align with the word of God.

Below are some of his words

“If anyone could have earned heaven by the life of a monk, it was I”

“Unless I can be instructed and convinced with evidence from the Holy Scriptures or with open, clear, and distinct grounds of reasoning…then I cannot recant, because it is neither safe nor wise to act against conscience…here I stand. I can do no other. God help me! Amen!

“These verses and others like them demonstrate that everyone is subject to sinful lust and must daily resist it. Although the struggle is neither pleasant nor relaxing, it is still a work that pleases God, and for us that should be consolation enough”.

Happy Reformation Day!