Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela will be buried at his village today after a week of activities that saw among other things the visit of over 80 heads of state to South Africa to mourn and celebrate his life.

I can’t possibly add anything else to all that has been said about this man and his life. Most have looked at his life from the angle of what good he did in his life time. A few have looked at his time as the leader of the military wing of the African National Congress (ANC) and the things the wing did then.

A lot of people have been moved by the celebration of his life and how it seems to show that the world loved him.

As a part of this show of affection, Bono the popular American Singer said something that caught my interest in the recent publication by Times magazine about the man Mandela. He said he thinks it is Mandela’s “lack of peity” that allowed him to achieve the success he had. That statement got me thinking.

When it is our turn to bow out of this world, what legacy do we want to live behind? Is it just the one that has earthly value alone or both earthly and eternal value?

We do need to love our fellow men and seek their good and if it depends on us ensure that things that have long term benefits are done for them. It is laudable to be seen as such a person. One may even receive accolades from the world but all these without participating in the salvation of Jesus Christ is nil.

Africa has lost a man that the world respected that is a very true statement. Can another be found? Yes if the rest choose to do that which is right for the people in general.