Happy New Year

It is a new year. I wish you all a happy new year. I know by now the greeting is a bit stale for most people but there are people who are yet to wish friends and loved one the joy and pleasantness of the new year.
I hope to post more this year and not just more but with more value. Links from websites I find valuable, books that help become better at managing the days we have next. Also there may be the reflection on some odd apps here and there that I find extremely useful but I probably will focus more on the spiritual side of things. It helps but everything in its proper perspective.
I also hope to do all these because I have a new tool which I believe will make a big difference in the way I work especially with offline writing and posting.
This tool is currently in the beta version but from what I can see so far, it looks like it is going be my new best friend when it comes to posting on the site.

Last year was filled with its challenges while this year has started rolling its own. I planned to write a minimum of one post per month last year and I skipped on one month and had technical issues another month. This year I hop to post twice a month. That will definitely be more challenging considering all things but not impossible.

I am thankful to all of you that took out time last year to read the blog and I hope it will be worth your time even more this year.

Happy New Year!