Vacation Season

The vacation season has come and gone. Schools are resuming in different places the world over. Parents are getting stuff for their kids and planning the schedule and expectation for the new school year. It has been wonderful for some and for some it is probably a period they don’t want to remember again in their lives.

In a world that runs 24/7 or 25/8, there is the continuous desire to do more with the time available. To get more out of the way and accomplish more of the items on the to do list. When such expectation drives the individual, the talk of vacation maybe very far from the mind. It is easy to think of the logistics involved and to give up when the details are considered.

The beauty of a vacation is the opportunity to move away from the familiar, the routine to something different that allows the body and mind change its routine and learn something new in a different place.

It is an opportunity to recharge, to get a refresh before returning to life and resuming the duty that we have grown accustomed to.

Vacations can be simple and they can be complex it all depends on the time available. The aim is to get some rest for a complete person in all affairs.

I know not everyone can go on vacation at the same time as it is just not practical but when ever we choose to go, let us make the most of the time and opportunity.

Have a good rest this vacation.